Major: Culture Contents and Communication Science
Sector: Graduate school, College of Liberal Arts
- Culture Contents
- Communication Science
- Digital Culture and Contents: 60 courses 180 credits
- Media and Communication: 40 courses 120 credits
- Operating on the semester system in academic schedule
Curriculum Objectives
Culture Contents and Communication Science is operated as interdisciplinary program in graduate school of college of liberal arts. It has two major concentration areas: 1) Culture Contents and 2) Communication Science. Communication Science is the graduate program for undergraduate department of Media and Communication. The purpose and the background of the curriculum established as follows:
Culture Contents: New Keyword of Humanities/Cultural Studies and Education
While the demand for cultural contents is increasing in the cultural era, academic research and education is still insufficient. It becomes national challenge to build a foundation of long-term development of cultural contents and educate high-quality professionals through a systematic research of digital culture and contents. Our academic approach for this trend is to study cultural contents based on humanities. We try to combine humanities with the sense of cultural business. Our program focuses on the theme of “contents” and pursues future-oriented education through interdisciplinary programs based on humanities. It will create a new paradigm of humanities and open a new chapter for cultural infrastructure research and education in 21st century.
Communication Science: Humanistic Approach for Media and Communication
Communication Science program deals with the way of communication with language, visual image and commercial messages via media. In the basic level, our program offers the cognitive process of language and visual image communication from the view of humanities. In the advanced level, students will learn and analyze how the media affects the way of interpreting communication process of language, visual, and commercial messages. Research in communication science will suggest the optimal way of language, visual, and commercial messages and build a complementary relationship with culture contents by converging the contents and human communication.
Interdisciplinary Program in the College of Liberal Arts
The strength of this interdisciplinary program is to maximize the potential of existing research/educational personnel in a specialized direction. This program has a synergy to build a new identity by converging diverse subjects in humanities and social science. Thus, it deals with diverse topics in contents and the way of communication by connecting the dots through culture contents and communication science.

Minimum Major Credits (24 credits) in Media and Communication